Top Waterfalls in Bay Of Plenty | North Island | New Zealand.

Tarawera Falls
A bit off the beaten track, Tarawera Falls is seriously worth the effort. Experience the splendor of waterfalls surging out of fissures in the rock face. Since the eruption of Mt Tarawera falls in 1886, the native bush in the area has regenerated. Plenty of pohutukawa and rata incase the fern dominant forest floor. Be sure to walk all the way to the Tarawera Outlet, talking the longer track option on the loop track. Follow the path to discover the river disappearing right under your feet into underground fissures! This loop also showcases one smaller waterfall that is not to be missed. If you feel like spending more time in this magical place DOC have a campsite at the top of the outlet. Allow 2 hours each way.